So It Came To Pass


Being close to forty, balding, fat and single I've descided to go propperly mad


  • Imignary disgussions with famous people
  • My views on conspiracies
  • Mooses, elks and other flying creatures
  • People who ought to emigrate to America

Imignary disgussions with famous people

My views on conspiracies

Mooses, elks and other flying creatures




This large animal, and member of the deer family, is not a moose. wikipedia

Giant Moose

Giant moose hundreds of feet high has yet to be conformed, the first recored incident has been by the rock band gorillaz and was reinacted in the video to 19-2000 track . He gaguntaine animal seems to eat motorist and freeway systems. The first encounter with the Giant Moose shows a effective primitive antimissile system which suggest that the natural predators to the moose are warships and military installations.

Multi Antlerede Floating Hydrogen Moose

The multi antlered floating hydrogen moose, (MFHM) has not yet been discovered. Appearance: The MFHM moose is proposed to have the appearance of a large balloon covered in fur. Since the animal is in fact suspected to be hydrogen balloon this correlates well. The animal has several pairs of antlers on its head. The antlers along with the ears, head, tail and atrophied remains of the legs are the only protrusions from the body. The MFHM has limited control of its movement by means of farting and wriggling of the ears. Diet: contrary to hitherto belief theory the MFHM is a strange creature, that is, along oli-eating bacteria link, the only organisms to feed on heavy hydrocarbons. It is not observed or confirmed that the MFHM has been involved In any off shore accidents, it is assumed that nobody has lived to tell the tale, this how ever has given the Moose a unjust reputation as a carnivore feeding on hard working riggers and oilmen. Habbitat: the habitat of the MFHM is speculated to be anywhere there is air, but due to the low encounter rate it is speculated that the moose congress where there is low visibility (fog or smog) or few people, like

People who ought to emigrate to America